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Third Sector Innovations

Two Are Better Than One

September 26, 2009
Researchers studied 34 students at the University of Virginia, taking them to the base of a steep hill and fitting them with a weighted backpack. They were then asked to estimate the steepness of the hill. Some participants stood next to friends during the exercise, while others were alone.

The students who stood with friends gave lower estimates of the steepness of the hill. And the longer the friends had known each other, the less steep the hill appeared.

- From "What Are Friends For? A Longer Life" by Tara Parker-Pope in the NY Times (April 20, 2009)
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Finding and Following an Authentic Life

September 23, 2009
"We need to teach ourselves to sit quietly and listen, just listen, long enough to leave a decent indentation on the couch." - Gregg Levoy, from his book "Callings: Finding and Following an Authentic Life"

Strong Leaders / Strong Stories

Strong leaders have strong stories, and a solid sense of "self" as a leader.  But too often, even strong women view themselves or are perceived as being very good at "getting things done," but not as valuable strategic resources. What can you do to change this?  Find Out More Here